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Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Networking Is About Your Business PASSION

Writes Trevor:

Nikki writes one of the best article insights I have read on the REAL WORLD of quality business networking in THE POWER OF NETWORKING - PART 1 .

In this piece, Nikki identifies exactly why it is a PRIVILEGE to be referred by someone who is a quality business networker - and why YOU, by being referred, have two reputations at stake should you not follow-up on the referral.

Nikki identifies the biggest secret to quality business networking, covered perfectly in her article: '..the first thing that you have to know before you even start to think about networking successfully, is what your PASSION is.'

Reminds me of an article I once wrote entitled: The Finest COMPLIMENT One Can Get.

I had a visitor yesterday who paid me one of the nicest compliments one can get. To paraphrase, he shared: 'I first met you in this very office in 1995. I had a boring humdrum life and was uninspired at work.'

'It was an It's So Simple! presentation... and something you said connected with me... both spiritually and intellectually. For the first time in my life I drove home on a high with a feeling of total JOY... I will never forget it... I was actually singing in the car. I had never done that before.'

'I have followed your information for years since... I was inspired at work... I developed a PASSION and PURPOSE in my life which is paying off today. I am about to do what I want to do in my own business.'

'Your example as been one of consistent passion and purpose... you have never wavered... you have always walked your talk with integrity... and I want to thank you for that.'

'As I've got closer to getting into my own business and asked you pertinent questions... you have got tougher and tougher... you don't beat around the bush (I recognise that is because you are so busy yourself)... and you have forced me to THINK deeper and deeper... you have made me realise just HOW DILIGENT and knowledgeable you are when it comes to business... which has strengthened my conviction to do it RIGHT.'

'I have seen people crumble at this most critical process that you adopt... I have learnt that you are TESTING their resolve because you know something about how difficult business can really be if you are not prepared. I have chosen to take each comment you make and treat it as a lesson... and to bounce back when I feel I have understood the lesson. I learnt that your door is always open to someone who does this. You NEVER shut the door. This has made me stronger and ready to face the future in my own business. I am ready.'

Well... how about that... it really makes me feel good. I am amazed at how many people have surfaced this year, already, to say how much my work has MADE A DIFFERENCE in their lives. I think that it is one of the finest compliments one can get.... a 'thank you' for helping to make a difference in someone else's life. I know one thing... a genuine 'thank you' is one of the most humbling things anyone can give... especially in person. All manner of feelings from personal pride, embarrassment, ego and plain ol' bloody-mindedness have to be overcome and subordinated. So it is a GIFT that I REALLY APPRECIATE for its true worth.

Now, there's some PASSION in there somewhere..!

Trevor Nel - 011 - 705-2790 -

Monday, February 12, 2007

The POWER Of Networking

Writes Trevor:

I received some inside news that Nikki will be writing an article in her blog - When Reality Bites - highlighting The Power Of Networking.

I quickly linked to her site to see if it was there and found a neat story - WE ARE ALL VALUABLE - where Nikki describes the story of a crumpled R100 note retaining it's value.

To take that little analogy further, I think that The Power Of Networking can be demonstrated by tearing that R100 note in half and giving it to two business-people in the room. If those two people do not network together on finding a mutually-beneficial synergistic solution to extracting value from the two pieces of that R100 note... it will be rendered worthless.

In my experience most business-people who come together have torn MILLION RAND cheques in their pockets... most just don't bother to bring them out to match them with the other pieces held by their colleagues. Those that do have magnificent experiences.

Nikki will write: 'Networking is a daily part of my life, in fact I could not imagine how my life would be if I were not able to ‘network’! I am a ‘natural’ networker and it is at times excruciatingly difficult for me to understand that this is not the case with many people! How they ‘manage’ is beyond me, which is probably why I keep threatening to write a book which I will entitle - The Reluctant Entrepreneur!’

In a recent blog article of my own - The POWER Of Networking - I discuss how SEVEN attorneys in my own network provided invaluable insight for my youngest daughter just entering her law degree at Tukkies.

And, I am reminded of how Nikki herself has opened up amazing connections in her personal network for my eldest UCT-just-graduated daughter. Thanks Nikki - you truly understand and apply the POWER of Networking - can't wait to link this article of Nikki's.

Trevor Nel - 011 - 705-2790 -

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Things To KEEP In Your Life & Business

Writes Trevor:

Was writing this extract - MAD 2. YOU Will Be 'Judged' By What You DO… Not By What You Say..! - to one of my own blogs: It's So Simple! ..1 ..2 ..3 , when in comes this prescient thought from Nikki:

Keep your thoughts positive, because your thoughts become your words.

Keep your words positive, because your words become your actions.

Keep your actions positive, because your actions become your habits

Keep your habits positive, because your habits become your lifestyle.

Keep your lifestyle positive, because your lifestyle becomes your

To right Nikki, as I point out in the above links: 'People follow and respect those who 'walk their talk'... who DO what they say... who deliberately take ACTION to deliver on their promises... and make good on their commitments.'

Trevor Nel - 011 - 705-2790 -

Monday, February 05, 2007

Be Aware - People 'SEE' Things Differently

Writes Trevor:

Having worked with many 1000's of people in my business career, one reality I have come to accept is that you will always come across people who see things differently to the way that YOU see them... and it does not mean that they are right or vice versa.

The fact is that people will always have very different perceptions of the same challenge, incident or offer, dependent upon where they come from and what their current point of view. The trick in business is to prepare for these different perceptions and either accept them (you're unlikely to win every deal or to have everyone believing in you and your products/services) or challenge/convert them as you believe you must with quality evidence and logic.

This insight stemmed from this humorous mailing from Nikki which highlights this point:

'Hi Trevor, I know you love these! Regards Nikki

(To understand Nikki's sense of humour... my daughter's name is Maxine).

'A minister decided that a visual demonstration would add emphasis to his Sunday sermon?

Four worms were placed into four separate jars.

The first worm was put Into a container of alcohol.

The second worm was put into a container of cigarette smoke.

The third worm was put into a container of chocolate syrup.

The fourth worm was put into a container of good clean soil.

At the conclusion of the sermon, the Minister reported the following results.

The first worm in alcohol - Dead.

The second worm in cigarette smoke - Dead.

Third worm in chocolate syrup - Dead.

Fourth worm in good clean soil - Alive.

So the Minister asked the congregation - what can you learn from this demonstration?

Maxine was sitting in the back, quickly raised her hand and said,

"As long as you drink, smoke and eat chocolate, you won't have worms!'
Ooooh Maxine....!!!!

Trevor Nel - 011 - 705-2790 -