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Wednesday, December 12, 2012

BLOGGING TIPS - Where Else to Look for Ideas - Part 4

BLOGGING TIPS – Where Else to look for Ideas – Part 4

By Nikki Viljoen – Viljoen Consulting CC December 2012

Last time we looked at the opportunities around Justice, Karma and even the use of Satire, for inspiration or ideas for articles of interest that pertain to your particular passion.  Today we will have a look at a few more.

Lateral Thinking
I know that this one can sometimes be really difficult for people to get their heads around simply because many people are not lateral thinkers – so how about you try the word association game.  It’s the game where you start off with one word, any word – write it down, then when you picture that word in your mind, what is the next word or picture or thought that comes into your mind?  Write that one down and then the next and so on. Once you have finished you will find that you have written a really interesting blog, or a really hilarious one – depending on how your mind is wired.  I always have great fun with these and in fact, on the Business Master forum ( we sometimes, just for the fun of it do these, with different rules in place, such as (but not limited to) only 5 words at a time and only 3 posts a day and you cannot follow on from your own post.  They often go really pear-shaped because you have upwards of 20 people participating – different people, different mindsets, different ideas and different dynamics usually result in great fun!

Parents Wisdom
Do you remember, when as a kid, the stuff your parents said always was a pain in the rear end?  When I grew up however and I understood the meaning behind the words – they took on a whole different life.  Actually if the truth be told, there are many articles that I have written that contain snippets of stuff that my Dad used to say to me or even stories from my childhood. 

Writing those stories transported me to another time, to another place and have brought back memories of sounds and smells and laughter and I have no doubt that they have transported the readers as well.  Don’t be scared to write about them, don’t be scared to share them – the sharing will empower you.
Next time we will have a look at some more ideas to keep those blogs flowing. Until then “Happy Writing” and don’t forget to have fun!

Nikki is an Internal Auditor and Business Administration Specialist who can be contacted on 083 702 8849 or or

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

BUSINESS TIPS - From Employee to Entrepreneur - Part 4

BUSINESS TIPS – From Employee to Entrepreneur – Part 4

By Nikki Viljoen – Viljoen Consulting CC – November 2012

So far we have looked at:-
1.    The difference between being an employee and an employer;
2.    Your Purpose:
3.    The People around you and
4.    Your Personal Footprint.
5.    Knowledge & what you do with it
6.    The Generosity of your Spirit and
7.    The Role of Technology in your Business

Believe it or not there are a whole lot more – today we will explore a few more.

1.    Self Confidence
As an entrepreneur you need a whole bunch of self-confidence.  There will be times when you will be the only person who believes in YOU and what you are capable of doing.

Understand yourself, understand who you are, understand what you are capable of, understand how far you are prepared to go to achieve your dream.

Understand that there will be occasions that you will walk on the road with someone, be they mentor or collaborator or partner or customer or supplier or friend, but there will also be times that you will walk alone – be prepared for it and deal with it.

There will be times when you celebrate your successes and there will be times when it will feel as though you are all alone in the world – in those times, will you still believe in yourself?  That is a question that you have to ask yourself and that is a question only you can answer and it will require a brutally honest answer.

2.    Creativity
Understand that as an entrepreneur, even accountants or an auditors, as are creative.  Yes, you actually read that correctly.  ALL entrepreneurs are creative – they have ‘created’ something, they have breathed life into something that did not exist.  That’s huge!  We are creative when we ‘put the picture’ together in our minds of how we want our businesses to look, to feel and to work. That is also why it is of the utmost importance that entrepreneurs reserve time to dream.  If you cannot dream it, it will not happen and only having one dream is kind of defeating the object – we need to dream all the time.  Take time out to dream, book it in your diary if you need to, but make sure that you take the time to draw pictures in your mind of what you want to happen, to dream the future.  Remember though it will still require an action (well to be honest many actions) to turn that dream into a reality.

3.    Focus
One of the quickest ways to lose you way is to lose your focus.  Whether you are working on a document or preparing a presentation or raising an invoice or indeed running an entire business, when you lose focus you veer off the road and all manner of disasters and conflict await you.

Here’s the thing, although women (and even some men) proudly profess to be effective and efficient at multi-tasking, the fact of the matter is that the brain is designed and wired to only hold one thought at a time.  You may think that you are holding two or more, but realistically you are ‘switching’ between thoughts or in effect losing focus, particularly if the two thoughts are on unrelated issues.

Make sure that you always have your ‘end goal’ clearly visible – mine are on ‘post it notes’ all over the office, so I can see them all the time.  That way you will have them in your thoughts constantly and it will make it that much easier to maintain your focus.

Next time we will continue to look at some of the other issues that you will need or be aware of to become a successful Entrepreneur.

Nikki is an Internal Auditor and Business Administration Specialist who can be contacted on 083 702 8849 or or

Monday, December 10, 2012

MOTIVATION - Do You Need Approval?

MOTIVATION –  Do You Need Approval?

By Nikki Viljoen of N Viljoen Consulting CC – December 2012

Vernon Howard says “A truly strong person does not need the approval of others any more than a lion needs the approval of sheep.”

One of the most liberating moments of my life happened when I was still working in the Corporate world.  I took my power back!

I can hear many people saying “You did What?”  I’ll say it again – I took my power back!

For years I had been a doormat to bosses and colleagues alike who often took their frustrations out on me.  Work was taken away from incompetent employees and dumped on me and I just accepted it.  The more pressure that I was put under the more I just accepted it.

I can actually see a whole bunch of you reading this with absolute disbelief – you cannot even begin to imagine me being like that – well that is because I am a different person now – I took my power back.

For months I had been coached and guided by my mentor, for months I had resisted this profound change because I was afraid.  How would I do it?  What would my friends think?  What would my family think?  Would I still have a job?  Would I be fired or would I be forced to resign?

I was sitting in yet another meeting where it was brought to everyone’s attention that XYZ department was again in a state of chaos.  It was a department that was constantly in a state of chaos and the mess had already been handed over to me to sort out – several times.

Each time I had come to work at 4am and only left after 7pm, so that I could manage my already heavy workload and fit in the ‘fix up’ that needed to be done.  Each time I had handed everything back to the department in question, in pristine condition, figures balanced, reports completed, filing done.

Each time the incompetents had walked away without any kind of consequence, in fact  they had been rewarded in a way, because they didn’t have to work late or come in early to fix up their mess.  They took no responsibility and they were not held accountable!

Each time the mess was just dumped on me without any kind of reward or even so much as a thank you.  In fact that year my boss had even “forgotten” (his words) to give me an increase!  How disgusting was that?

So, there I was sitting at this meeting, listening to the whole decision and the discussion around the “mess” and how it was going to be given back to me to sort out again and something inside of me just broke!  As it broke, I realized that if I didn’t make the decision to change the situation, to in effect – take my power back, I would continue in this way for the rest of my life and that thought just made my heart sink right down to the bottom of my toes.

I grabbed my notebook and immediately wrote out my letter of resignation.  I signed the letter, tore the sheet out of my notebook, handed the letter to my boss and walked out of the meeting.  With each heavy step my terror increased – what had I done?  My footsteps faltered and I almost turned back, until I heard my boss say “Don’t worry about her, she’ll be back and she will sort this out!”  With those words I realized just what they did think of me and my determination and resolve to do what was best for me cemented itself into a hard granite.  There was no turning back! I started walking again to my office where I packed up my stuff and walked out the door.

On my way home, with each step that I took, it felt as though I was shedding a load that had pinned me down for as long as I could remember.  I also realized just how empowered I had become, when several phone calls later the bosses were begging me to come back and in fact even tried to get my aunt to ‘talk’ to me as I was making a very big mistake.  The only mistake I had made of course, was not doing that a lot sooner.

Was I cured overnight – of course not.  Like most things in life, it’s a process.  You have to do it over and over again until there is an imprint on your brain that tells you that you are worthy and that you do deserve to be treated with dignity and respect and it was only years later that I finally came to the realization that ‘other people’s opinion of me is none of my business”.  It was only years later that I came to the realization that the only person’s approval that I need is my own.  But on that day, the day that I handed in my resignation and walked out of the door, that was the day that I took my power back and gave myself permission to be the person that I could be, the person that I wanted to be and the person that I am happy to live with today – me.

Is my journey complete?  Of course not – we are all ‘a work in progress’, but I am most definitely going in the right direction.  The question of course is  . . . .  are you?

Nikki is an Internal Auditor and Business Administration Specialist who can be contacted on 083 702 8849 or or

Friday, December 07, 2012

HR – To Smoke or Not to Smoke – The E-Cigarette

By Nikki Viljoen of Viljoen Consulting CC May 2012

By now, here in South Africa, we should all be aware of the fact that it is illegal to smoke in a public place, in terms of the Tobacco Products Control Act.

It would appear however, that not everyone is aware of the amendments thereto.  Nowadays it is also illegal to smoke on a balcony that is semi or fully enclosed, or where there is a ‘fixed’ or permanent roof unless certain criteria has been complied with.  It is also an offence to smoke at the mall entrances and/or parking garages and in fact anywhere where there is a fixed roof.  As I look around me at the various establishments, particularly in the food and beverage arena, I see very clearly that very few individuals and/or companies are actually aware of the new legislation.  Sadly, many of them will learn the hard way when they are fined for non-compliance. Let me be very clear on this – the fines that can be imposed are really, really large and can cripple you in terms of cash  flow, if you are caught.

Whilst I am saddened by the number of youngsters, who I see smoking, on the one hand, I am also encouraged on the other, by the number of people who have stopped smoking or, who are attempting to stop smoking.

One of the most innovative ways of attempting to stop smoking is a little invention called the e-cigarette.

The electronic cigarette (hence the name e-cigarette) is also known as the personal vaporizer.  What it is, is a ‘battery powered device that provides inhaled doses of nicotine by way of a vaporized solution.” The e-cigarette is marketed as ‘an alternative to smoking tobacco products” and since there is no tobacco smoke and/or combustion and only a ‘water vapour’ that is released into the air. 
Therefore smoking an e-cigarette in a public place, in South Africa, is completely compliant and within the letter of the law in terms of laid down legislation.

Let me explain.

The e-cigarette does not qualify as a tobacco product as it is an ‘electronic device’.  It does not create any dangerous by products.  It does not release tobacco smoke into the air and therefore there is no possibility of “second hand smoke” inhalation.

There are several countries who are extreme and who also do not allow the use of the e-cigarette – these countries are (but not limited to), Australia, Brazil and Canada.

The Tobacco Act defines the smoking of tobacco products as ‘a product containing tobacco that is intended for human consumption and includes, but is not limited to, any device, pipe, water pipe, papers, tubes, filters, portion pouches or similar objects manufactured for use in the consumption of tobacco’.

In view of the fact that the e-cigarette is an electronic device that contains a mouthpiece, heating element, battery and electronics,  it is not used to consume tobacco and it does not contain any tobacco product (the nicotine is used in a diluted form).

Therefore in terms of the Act, this device is not prohibited  and the e-cigarette can therefore be used freely and without fear of non-compliance, in all public areas.

Nikki is an Internal Auditor and Business Administration Specialist who can be contacted on 083 702 8849 or or

Thursday, December 06, 2012

EARLY WARNING - All About Procurement Fraud - Part 1

All About Procurement Fraud – Part 1

By Nikki Viljoen – Viljoen Consulting December 2012.
I have decided that going forward, not only will the “Early Warning” section be used to highlight some of the negative things that are currently happening, but it will also be used proactively to try and avoid the negative things from happening. In this particular case “Procurement Fraud”.  It is quite a large topic so as usual when this happens, it will be segmented into smaller parts.
So . . .  let’s start at the beginning – What is Procurement?
According to the Wiki “Procurement is the acquisition of goods or services”.  The Wiki goes on to say (sic) “It is favourable that the goods/services are appropriate and that they are procured at the best possible cost to meet the needs of the purchaser in terms of quantity and quality, time and locations (Weele 2010).  Corporations and public bodies often define processes intended to promote fair and open competition for their business while minimizing exposure to fraud and collusion.”
So what then is “Procurement Fraud?”
Again, according to the Wiki (sic) “Procurement Fraud can be defined as dishonestly obtaining an advantage, avoiding an obligation or causing a loss to public property or various means during procurement process by public servants, contractors or any other person involved in the procurement process.”
In the Corporate world and certainly in the Government Departments and Parastatels, the whole procurement process is handled by specific “Procurement Departments” with often, hundreds of personnel and this usually is where all the mischief happens.  Remember that in the larger companies (and obviously on a much smaller scale in the SMME playground), there are many different ‘types’ of procurement, depending on the sector – some of the more generic ones are (but not limited to):-
Staff Training
Equipment (office and other)
IT (hardware and software) etc.
Keeping control of these purchases and these expenses has become a priority, as crime escalates and as always, as it affects the bottom line.
Sadly, more and more I am discovering that “Procurement Fraud” is not only taking place in the larger Corporates and/or Government and/or the Parastatels, but also in smaller companies, so going forward, in this series, we will together identify the ‘red flags’ and find practical solutions on how to avoid this particular scam.
Nikki is an Internal Auditor and Business Administration Specialist who can be contacted on 083 702 8849 or or

Wednesday, December 05, 2012

BLOGGING TIPS - Where Else to Look for Ideas - Part 3

BLOGGING TIPS – Where Else to look for Ideas – Part 3

By Nikki Viljoen – Viljoen Consulting CC December 2012

Last time we looked at describing how people use gestures, for inspiration or ideas for articles of interest that pertain to your particular passion.  Today we will have a look at a few more.

Here in South Africa, although I suspect it is the same the world over, there are more than many instances where people don’t get what they deserve.

Let’s turn it around for a change and put a positive spin on things  - we are always very quick to complain when things are wrong, but how often do we give praise or make a big deal out of things that go right?

After getting intense headaches for a while now, I realized that I haven’t had my eyes tested for over 3 years now, so I promptly took myself off to Torga in Cresta (Torga have a great deal going at the moment) and was told that my new glasses would be ready in about 10 days.  Yesterday, after only 3 days I got a call to let me know that the glasses were ready.  What great service this was – great savings on the deal and glasses ready, way before the expected date!  Well done Torga!

Don’t stress it – I am not going all ‘airy fairy’ on you all.  The truth is though, that I do believe that what you give you get in return.  It is a simple philosophy, but one that has worked well for me over the years.  Again, there is always good karma and bad karma and gain, let’s turn it around and focus on the good.

The really great thing about this type of ‘giving’ though is that it doesn’t have to cost you a ‘financial anything’!  It’s about a kind word, or sharing some time with someone in need, or donating blood or even doing a ‘bro-bono’ mentoring session with someone.  Or how about endorsing some else’s blog or website or tweet, with several reasons as to why your readers may want to go there.

This is one of my favorites and let’s be honest here.  With all of Zuma’s and Malema’s antics, not to mention the rest of the crew we have, here in South Africa there is an absolute wealth of material!  Hells Bells, look at what Pieter Dirk Uys or Trevor Noa or even Zapiro have done with some of that material – not only have they built careers and made a lot of money with it, but they have also highlighted certain political and sometimes even very sensitive issues, with humour and they have made us laugh (we South African’s love to laugh at ourselves), whilst all the while also making a difference.  Now how cool is that?

My particular take on this is  . . . .  “so many articles to write and so little time”!

Next time we will have a look at some more ideas to keep those blogs flowing. Until then “Happy Writing” and don’t forget to have fun!

Nikki is an Internal Auditor and Business Administration Specialist who can be contacted on 083 702 8849 or or

Tuesday, December 04, 2012

BUSINESS TIPS - From Employee to Entrepreneur - Part 4

BUSINESS TIPS – From Employee to Entrepreneur – Part 4

By Nikki Viljoen – Viljoen Consulting CC – November 2012

So far we have looked at:-
1.    The difference between being an employee and an employer;
2.    Your Purpose:
3.    The People around you and
4.    Your Personal Footprint.
5.    Knowledge & what you do with it
6.    The Generosity of your Spirit and
7.    The Role of Technology in your Business

Believe it or not there are a whole lot more – today we will explore a few more.

1.    Self Confidence
As an entrepreneur you need a whole bunch of self-confidence.  There will be times when you will be the only person who believes in YOU and what you are capable of doing.

Understand yourself, understand who you are, understand what you are capable of, understand how far you are prepared to go to achieve your dream.

Understand that there will be occasions that you will walk on the road with someone, be they mentor or collaborator or partner or customer or supplier or friend, but there will also be times that you will walk alone – be prepared for it and deal with it.

There will be times when you celebrate your successes and there will be times when it will feel as though you are all alone in the world – in those times, will you still believe in yourself?  That is a question that you have to ask yourself and that is a question only you can answer and it will require a brutally honest answer.

2.    Creativity
Understand that as an entrepreneur, even accountants or an auditors, as are creative.  Yes, you actually read that correctly.  ALL entrepreneurs are creative – they have ‘created’ something, they have breathed life into something that did not exist.  That’s huge!  We are creative when we ‘put the picture’ together in our minds of how we want our businesses to look, to feel and to work. That is also why it is of the utmost importance that entrepreneurs reserve time to dream.  If you cannot dream it, it will not happen and only having one dream is kind of defeating the object – we need to dream all the time.  Take time out to dream, book it in your diary if you need to, but make sure that you take the time to draw pictures in your mind of what you want to happen, to dream the future.  Remember though it will still require an action (well to be honest many actions) to turn that dream into a reality.

3.    Focus
One of the quickest ways to lose you way is to lose your focus.  Whether you are working on a document or preparing a presentation or raising an invoice or indeed running an entire business, when you lose focus you veer off the road and all manner of disasters and conflict await you.

Here’s the thing, although women (and even some men) proudly profess to be effective and efficient at multi-tasking, the fact of the matter is that the brain is designed and wired to only hold one thought at a time.  You may think that you are holding two or more, but realistically you are ‘switching’ between thoughts or in effect losing focus, particularly if the two thoughts are on unrelated issues.

Make sure that you always have your ‘end goal’ clearly visible – mine are on ‘post it notes’ all over the office, so I can see them all the time.  That way you will have them in your thoughts constantly and it will make it that much easier to maintain your focus.

Next time we will continue to look at some of the other issues that you will need or be aware of to become a successful Entrepreneur.

Nikki is an Internal Auditor and Business Administration Specialist who can be contacted on 083 702 8849 or or

Monday, December 03, 2012

MOTIVATION –  Taking Action?

By Nikki Viljoen of N Viljoen Consulting CC – November 2012

Al Batt says “It is easy to sit up and take notice.  What is difficult is getting up and taking action.”

It’s been a long, hard year.  I’ve seen more tears than I have smiles.  I’ve see people in pain, emotional pain and even physical pain, as they have watched their lives fall apart, as they have been retrenched or divorced, or watched helplessly as their businesses have fallen down. I have lost some of those people to suicide, to drugs and to absolute despair.

It’s been hard for me to watch as many looked at their shattered lives, in horror and disillusionment, all the while bemoaning their bad luck, the bad economy, bad management by the government, too much power by SARS, perceived power of ex husbands or ex wives and their over zealous lawyers.

Some have given up completely and succumbed to whatever fate and consequence that awaits them.  Most cling to some or other notion that they will be rescued in the nick of time by some sort of divine intervention.  I suspect that they will be very disappointed and some will become even more disillusioned and despondent.

Some have gotten back onto their feet, shaken their fists at the Gods (whomever you perceive them to be) and done something about their plight.  Unfortunately many have done the same thing all over again expecting and even believing that they will get a different outcome – I suspect that at some point everything will come crashing down around their ears again and they will wear the same shell shocked, deer in the headlights, look that they have worn many times before – only to repeat the cycle all over again.

Some, a small quantity of folk, have not only taken notice of their predicament, but they have learnt the lesson, taken cognizance of the pertinent aspects of those lessons, discarded what was not needed, gotten up and done things differently.  They have found themselves on a completely different path in life, one that is sustainable and profitable and even self satisfying.  These individuals have, by their own actions, created their own ‘divine intervention’, their own luck and have changed their own destiny’s.

These folk have, by their actions, shrugged off the negativity that surrounded them, become deaf to all the whining and moaning, blocked out all the angst of government misadventure, SARS untimely interventions, economic woes and risen above the petty admonishments of the general business populace. They have done what they needed to do, not only to survive, but to live and to make a difference.

So who are you, or where are you in this world of perceived hardship?  Are you one who merely takes note of all that is going on around you or are you the one that gets up and does something positive about where you are going and where you want to be?

Nikki is an Internal Auditor and Business Administration Specialist who can be contacted on 083 702 8849 or or